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What Is Matriarchy and Why Do We Want It?
The sine qua non of this podcast: Matriarchy. What is it and why is it desirable. Dawn "Sam" Alden and Sean Marlon Newcombe have an open...

Vicki Noble - Marija Gimbutas
Join Vicki Noble as she chats with co-hosts Dawn "Sam" Alden and Sean Marlon Newcombe about the legacy of her friend, Marija Gimbutas....

Max Dashu - Helen of Troy and Women of the Trojan War
“Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships, And burnt the topless towers of Ilium-- Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.--"...

Starr Goode - Sheela na gig: Sacred Female Power
Mysterious 12th- to 17th-century stone carvings of supernatural females displaying their vulvas have been found throughout Ireland and...

John Colarusso - The Women of the Nart Sagas
A fascinating exploration of the wonderful ancient sagas of the people of the Black Sea region and the powerful women that their stories...
Max Dashu -- Who Were The Amazons?
In a wonderful, spirited discussion, Max Dashu discusses her recent research into the warrior women called "Amazons." How did the Ancient...
Walter Penrose - Amazon History pt1 - Female Bodyguards in India and Persia
In an exciting three-part interview, Dawn "Sam" Alden and Sean Marlon Newcombe sit down with Walter Penrose, PhD, associate professor of...
Walter Penrose - Amazon History pt2 - Thracians, Scythians and Sauromatians
In part 2 of our discussion with Dr. Walter Penrose, we talk about the tribes of warrior women who inhabited the Black Sea region and...
Walter Penrose - Amazon History pt3 - The Kingdom of Women & Warrior Queens
In the last part of our fascinating discussion of Amazon history with Dr. Walter Penrose, we shift our attention to the Indian concept of...
Vicki Noble - Rise of the Amazons pt5 - The Matriarchal Resistance Movement
Upon the ashes of a lost fallen female-centric civilization arose a new figure in human culture: The Amazon. In the fifth and final part...
Vicki Noble - Rise of the Amazons pt1 - Kill the Queen
The first installment in our series on the birth of the historical warrior women called "Amazons." Who were their ancestors? Where did...
Vicki Noble - Rise of the Amazons pt2 - Destruction and Flight
On the run, the women of the Old Europe matriarchies flee both east and west to preserve their matriarchal culture and female-centric...
Vicki Noble - Rise of the Amazons pt3 - The Trojan Connection
Long before the Troy of The Iliad and The Odyssey, there was a civilization in Anatolia at Troy that derived its foundation from the Old...
Vicki Noble - Rise of the Amazons pt4 - From Flight to Fight
The concept of an "Amazon" begins to develop as the millennia pass and the descendants of the Old Europe matriarchies are forced to take...
Vicki Noble - Sacred Script of Matriarchy pt1 - The Legacy of Marija Gimbutas
What if I told you that a form of writing had been invented long before hieroglyphics and that it conveyed the divine feminine language...
Vicki Noble - Sacred Script of Matriarchy pt2 - Matriarchal Culture
In part two, we talk about the culture of the women and men who created a form of writing, long before the patriarchal civilizations that...
Vicki Noble - Sacred Script of Matriarchy pt3 - The Symbols of the Script
In part three, we examine the symbols themselves. What was the nature of of this script and what was its chief function? Vicki Noble...
Vicki Noble - Sacred Script of Matriarchy - pt4 - Matriarchs and Amazons, oh, my!
In part four, we look at the possible tantalizing connections between the sacred script of Old Europe and the Linear A of Crete -- as...
Max Dashu - Suppressed History Of Women pt1
Max Dashu has championed the various lost histories of women and championed female-centric civilizations for decades. In part one, Sean...
Max Dashu - Suppressed History Of Women pt2
In part two, we talk to Max Dashu about the concepts of matriarchy and patriarchy in the context of the Ancient World. How did patriarchy...
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